Staci Martin for
School board


Staci has been working in public service for over 20 years as both adjunct faculty at Old Dominion University and as a full-time program manager in a variety of state agencies. With experience in economic development, workforce development, and higher education, Staci wants to serve our community so that our students can build their future careers right here in Virginia Beach.


Staci has been a Virginia Beach City Public Schools' parent since 2004. Her oldest attended K-12 at VBCPS and graduated in 2017. Her her youngest attends a VBCPS middle school. As a working mother and former high school drop out, Staci attended college at night completing her Bachelor's degree in 2003 and her Master's degree in 2006 while raising her daughter and taking care of her mother.


District 4 was created to ensure that the voices of our vibrant community are heard and represented on the school board. Staci does not just talk the talk. She walks the walk as a public servant, educator, working mom, and lifelong student.

Staci sees theCONNECTIONS in our community: education, economics, and future earnings.

UVA Sorensen PLP 2018
UVA Sorensen PLP 2018
Staci with her daughter at ODU graduation in 2006


Staci is a survivor, a caregiver, an educator, a public servant, and a leader.  Staci left high school in the 10th grade due to family dysfunction.  After experiencing food and housing insecurity, Staci went to work full-time at age 18, got a G.E.D. at age 21, and has been on a lifelong journey of teaching, learning, and striving to make the world a better place for everyone. 

STACI's top priorities

Health & Wellness

As a former park ranger, Staci knows that health and wellness are connected to our environment. Our teachers, staff, and students need resources to support their physical and mental health. We must increase the counselor to student ratio, make sure no student goes hungry, and make sure our teachers and staff are paid what they deserve and have a high quality of life.

Truth and Equity in Education

The truth matters and it matters even more as we approach America's 250th in 2026. America is a diverse nation striving for truth, justice, and liberty for all. As we look forward to the next 250 years of this nation, we must make sure our students understand the injustices of the past so they create a more just future.

Literacy and Books

Books saved Staci's life. An avid reader from a young age, her reading skills made it possible for her to research how to go to college with no parental guidance. Reading improves our survival. Parents have the right and ability to choose what their children read, but they do not have the right to choose what other children are able to read.

School Infrastructure

As a result of failing school infrastructure, Staci's daughter experienced severe episodes of asthma and hives during high school. While that school has since been renovated,she understands parents' concerns with the conditions of the schools in District 4 and will work hard to ensure that school reconstruction stays on schedule with minimal impact to our students.

Graduation Rates and Workforce/College Readiness

Staci believes in building great futures for our students through education. Whether a student is college-bound or wants to start their career the day after graduation, Staci wants to make sure every student graduates and knows they have a path forward to a high-paying job and a successful future.